We finished up our football season with a game against Auburn--it was sad to realize that the next time we will be in the stadium is for graduation, but the game was great and the weather was perfect, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Campus was so full of tailgaters--it was a great way to wrap up the season. Since we finally made it to a game on time, we got to see a few Georgia traditions we seem to have been missing out on these last few seasons.
Mary Kate and I also got to see our favorite Church Hall Red Coat, Ashley.
After we crushed Auburn we hung around the stadium for a bit. Jenny and I naturally started swing dancing to commemorate our win and when we finally made our way out of the stadium, I was definitely sad and nostalgic about the night. I'm not the most loyal or dedicated Georgia fan, but football has defined my fall semester for the last four years, and I'm sad to leave it all behind. I'm glad I had such good company to spend the day with, and I couldn't have asked for a better way to end our last season here.