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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Its been a little (ok, a lot) quiet over here these last few months. I wish I could say its because I've been having a grand old time living life away from my computer, buts its actually the total opposite: I've been chained to this stupid machine for weeks on end, memorizing and studying, typing, and learning. Missing out on fall. Missing out on fun. I have stacks of Cooking Light, Glamour, and Kinfolk sitting in my room, their spines waiting to be cracked. My recipe to-do list is overflowing but all I ever have time for these days are salads and oatmeal. I stayed in town for Thanksgiving break instead of going home to my family so that I can prepare for final exams. It most certainly has not been the most fun time of my life, but its approaching its end. Finals may kill me, as will the anxiety of waiting for grades, and the inevitable crushing disappointment I will feel when those grades don't meet my expectations. But its approaching its end.

I won't be neglecting this space that much anymore though. The happiness I get from writing and posting and sharing is worth the study time it steals. I have some fun recipes lined up, holiday gift guides, and a whole lot of Nashville to share in these upcoming weeks.

In honor of Thanksgiving, today my heart is full of:

My family

There is no way I would have gotten through...well, anything, without them. They're the funniest, kindest, and most amazing people I know. Their encouragement and support is unyielding and I'm so thankful for each of them.

My soulmates.

We may be in three different states this year, but keeping in touch with them and hearing about their lives is always a highlight of my week. I miss everything about this picture, but I'm so proud of them both for working hard and achieving so much. I hope they do realize though that I'm kidnapping them and dragging them to Nashville next time I see them. I think 6 months apart has been plenty.


Yes. I'm even thankful for school. I'm thankful I have the opportunity to keep educating myself, and building up for my future. This is a privilege. I forget that a lot, but its worth reminding myself that this is special, and not to be wasted.

The miscellaneous things:

Mumford & Sons

I dont want to think about where my life would be if this hadn't been playing on repeat since it came out.

Greek Yogurt

Coffee. And all caffeine, generally.

And finally, My absurd collection of fuzzy socks. For keeping me warm.


I hope you all have the happiest of Thanksgivings!