I'm a big fan of picnics--I think all food tastes more delicious when you can have it outside, with the sun warming your shoulders and a breeze tickling your hair. I think I've made picnic-ing a kind of hobby by this point. Case in point:
{pizza picnics in Athens}
{breakfast picnics in Nashville}
{picnics in Zurich}
{punting boat picnics in Oxford England. Shared with the geese, of course.}
{seeking out the perfect spot in Dublin}
{view from my picnic spot in Dover, England--can you see France across the Channel?}
{mid-hike scenic picnic in the middle of nowhere Cotswolds, England}
{picnic in Versailles, affectionately named Jam Fest 2010. I still crack up at the fact that we smuggled an entire baguette and jar of jam into Versailles. Oh and Kinder chocolates. We got those in there too.}
Clearly, I enjoy my food in rustic settings--Thats why StyleSights recent history of picnics post made me smile.
I love finding those connecting threads with the past. I do realize that these are just photos of people eating outdoors, but knowing that picnics were enjoyed even back in the 1900s makes the fact that I still enjoy them today that much sweeter, you know?
{this is my kind of party. especially when pants like those are involved.}
I adore this photo. Its everything I love about summer in one frame.
all photos from http://blog.stylesight.com/vintage/picnic-time